Children give to Canberra Day Appeal
Yesterday, on the launch of the Canberra Giving Day, our early childhood centres and out-of-school-hours care programs across the ACT helped raise much-needed funds for our programs and services.
Over the previous four weeks, the centres had been collecting coins from family members to donate to the Canberra Day Appeal. This culminated in the children making ‘coin snakes’.
There were a couple of lovely stories from our Florey out-of-school-hours care program. One child, Logan, generously contributed coins from his piggy bank! He and some peers then made a ‘coin snake’, where each child had the opportunity to add to the length and value of the snake with the collected coins. They then calculated the value of the coins, proudly announcing a total of $3.60 in their snake.

Mia donated $10 towards the length of the coin snake. Along with her friend Saskia, excitedly created a coin snake, with some other friends helping out too.
These activities helped the children learn about generosity and giving back to the community, empowering them to experience making a difference in the lives of others.

We are thankful to all children and families who participated and helped us raise funds.
It’s not too late to help us reach our goal of raising $8,000 so that we can continue to run our vital programs and services across the Capital Region. Until 8 March, every $1 you donate will become $2 thanks to Canberra Day Appeal for the first $2,500 we fundraise, then Aldermane will match up to another $1,500. Please donate now!
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