Volunteers reluctantly accept spotlight

While most volunteers don’t give up their time and energy to receive recognition, it was nice to see two of our valued heroes get noticed during this year’s National Volunteer Week (15 21 May).
Two of Capital Region Community Centre’s volunteers, Carole Jensen and Irene Hewitt, emerged as unofficial spokeswomen and local media stars with appearances live on ABC Radio Canberra with Lish Fejer and you’ll soon see the dynamic duo in the upcoming edition of Canberra Weekly.
Both were terrific, explaining the joys of volunteering, particularly with the BEST and INVOLVE groups at CRCS.
Carole admitted to Canberra Weekly reporter Jessica Cordwell she was at a bit of a loose end when she first decided to volunteer her time, which is no longer the case.
“I just love helping people, I’ve met Irene through volunteering; sometimes you meet someone, and you just connect, “she said.
The pair have become close friends over the past decade, even travelling together to Tasmania, New Zealand and this winter they’ll be escaping on a cruise to sunny Port Douglas.
Irene Hewitt’s story of volunteering goes back to when rules didn’t necessarily apply – and may not have been enforced – when she helped out as a childcare minder in 1974.
“There were rules that you could only supervise a small number of children, but I had up to 12, nobody seemed to mind, “she said.
Irene and Carole’s interview with the Canberra Weekly came to a hilarious ending.
Those of you who know Irene may be aware she loves to take photographs of all the events, excursions and interactions she shares with her community groups; she develops the pictures and hands them out in personalised envelopes to the people in the photographs.
As she gave an answer to one of Ms Cordwell’s questions, an old friend walked past, which caused Irene to yell out, “Hey, I haven’t seen you in ages – I’ve been walking around with some photographs of you for two years now, ” she yelled to the friend she’d obviously not seen in quite some time!
Thanks to all of our volunteers, we loved seeing at least some of you get the attention you richly deserve!

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