New early childhood centre
Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre is the latest addition to the CRCS family.
Capital Region Community Services (CRCS) is proud to announce that Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre is the latest addition to the suite of children’s services offered by CRCS.
Located on the grounds of Calvary Hospital, Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre (BRECC) boasts a rich history of Early Childhood Education and Care in Canberra and has provided an essential service for employees of Calvary Healthcare, among others.
CRCS is proud to include BRECC as its fourth and latest early childhood centre and is committed to providing the high-quality education and care that CRCS’s children’s services are known for.
BRECC originally operated as a non-profit, incorporated organisation under the governance of a Parent/Guardian Committee, supported by committed families, staff and the Director. As of 10 April 2020, BRECC will operate under the administration of Capital Region Community Services.

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